M95 and M96

Messier 95 or NGC3351 (upper-right) is a barred spiral galaxy about 33 million light years away in the constellation Leo.

Close-by in Leo is Messier 96 or NGC3368 (lower-left), a spiral galaxy about 31 million light years away.

Luminance   1.17 hours (14 x 5 min), unbinned, -16°C
Red   0.8 hour (21 x 5 min.), binned 2x2, -16°C
Green   2.1 hour (12 x 5 min.), binned 2x2, -16°C
Blue   1 hour (12 x 5 min.), binned 2x2, -16°C
Processing Image calibration, registration, sigma-reject, mean-combine in CCDStack
Levels, curves, highpass filter, color-combine in Photoshop CS3.
Date and Location April 2, 2010
Montpelier, Virginia, USA
TMB-130SS APO refractor at f/7 on an Astro-Physics 1200 German equatorial mount
SBIG ST-8XM camera
SBIG CFW-10 filter wheel with Astrodon filters
Guide scope: 60mm f/5 refractor and ST-402 camera
Imaging and autoguiding with MaxIm DL 4.62

Updated May 23, 2023